Speech Therapy for Adults with Neurological Conditions: What to Expect

From strokes to concussions, neurological conditions frequently disrupt communication abilities in adults. Speech therapy facilitates the rehabilitation of language, speech, voice, and swallowing skills to restore independence in daily life activities.

Read below for an overview of how customized speech-language pathology services help adults recovering from acquired brain injuries or degenerative illnesses.

Communication Challenges with Neurological Disorders

Conditions stemming from trauma, disease, or genetics affect nerves that enable vital functions we often take for granted. These include producing clear intelligible speech, expressing thoughts into words, comprehending messages, social appropriateness, and safe efficient eating among other skills.

While every brain injury manifests uniquely, common difficulties include:

  • Slurred speech or speaking softly
  • Impaired word-finding or naming objects
  • Reduced vocabulary and verbal reasoning
  • Challenges with writing and reading (dyslexia)
  • Problems understanding complex instructions
  • Difficulty organizing thoughts, confusion
  • Stuttering and disfluent speech
  • Voice weakness, hoarseness, or nasal tone
  • Trouble chewing, swallowing liquids/solids

A speech-language pathologist thoroughly evaluates areas of strength and weakness to create a tailored treatment plan addressing the individual’s goals.

Special Considerations in Adult Speech Therapy

Therapy for adult neurological cases follows similar principles as pediatric rehabilitation, with some added considerations around lifestyle factors like:

  • Returning to work duties
  • Relationship roles and parenting
  • Community and social integration
  • Managing adult responsibilities
  • Communication technology needs
  • Emotional adjustment counseling

Skilled clinicians design customized programming using adult-relevant content to prompt conversation, practicing target skills during activities like household chores, work tasks, leisure hobbies, and relationship building.

What Does Speech Therapy Entail?

Targeted exercises progress communication domains such as:

  • Articulation therapy for clear intelligible speech
  • Auditory processing training
  • Reading and writing
  • Expressive language formulation
  • Word-finding strategies
  • Voice and fluency strengthening
  • Cognitive skills for attention, memory, and reasoning
  • Swallowing rehabilitation
  • Communication confidence

In addition, therapists provide education and counseling to clients as well as family members on realistic expectations and how to facilitate continual progress. With consistent speech therapy and carryover, adults make tremendous strides toward independence.

Restore Communication Confidence

To help an adult loved one rehabilitate speech abilities affected by a neurological condition, contact Peninsula Associates Speech Therapy Services today for a consultation. Our passionate clinical team empowers people of all ages and backgrounds to communicate to their fullest potential at home, work, and in the community.