Communication Milestones *

Every child is unique even within a family.
If your child does not meet milestones within these ranges,
please contact us for an assessment

Birth to 6 Months

  • Alerts to sound.
  • Quiets or smiles when you talk and make sounds back and forth with you.
  • Makes sounds that differ depending on whether they are happy or upset.
  • Coos, makes sounds like ooooo, aahh, and mmmmm.
  • Recognizes loved ones and some common objects.
  • Turns or looks toward voices or people talking.

4 to 6 Months

  • Giggles and laughs.
  • Responds to facial expressions.
  • Look at objects of interest and follow objects with their eyes.
  • Reacts to toys that make sounds, like those with bells or music.
  • Vocalizes during play or with objects in the mouth.
  • Vocalizes different vowel and or consonant sounds—like uuuuuummm, aaaaaaagoo, or daaaaaaaaaa.
  • Blows “raspberries.”

7 to 9 Months

  • Look at you when you call their name
  • Stops for a moment when you say, “No.”
  • Babbles long strings of sounds, like mamamama, upup, or babababa.
  • Looks for loved ones when upset.
  • Raises arms to be picked up.
  • Recognizes the names of some people and objects and pushes away unwanted objects.

10 to 12 Months

  • Reaches for objects.
  • Points, waves, and shows or gives objects.
  • Imitates and initiates gestures for social interactions and playing games, like blowing kisses or peek-a-boo.
  • Tries to copy sounds that you make.
  • Responds to simple words and phrases like “Go bye-bye” and “Look at Mommy.”
  • Says one or two words—like mama, dada, hi, and bye.

13 to 18 Months

  • Looks around when asked “where” questions—like “Where’s your blanket?”
  • Follows directions—like “Give me the ball,” “Hug the teddy bear,” “Come here,” or “Show me your nose.”
  • Points to make requests, to comment, or to get information.
  • Shakes head for “no” and nods head for “yes.”
  • Understands and uses words for common objects, some actions, and people in their lives.
  • Identifies one or more body parts.
  • Uses gestures when excited, like clapping or giving a high-five, or when being silly, like making funny faces.
  • Uses a combination of long strings of sounds, syllables, and real words with speech-like intention.

19 to 24 Months

  • Uses and understands at least 50 different words for food, toys, animals, and body parts.
  • Speech may not always be clear—like du for “shoe” or dah for “dog.”
  • Puts two or more words together—like “more water” or “go outside.”
  • Follows two-step directions—like “Get the spoon and put it on the table.”
  • Uses words like me, mine, and you.
  • Uses words to ask for help.
  • Uses possessives, like Daddy’s sock.

2 to 3 Years

  • Uses word combinations but may occasionally repeat some words or phrases, like “baby – baby – baby sit down” or “I want – I want juice.”
  • Tries to get your attention by saying, “Look at me!”
  • Says their name when asked.
  • Uses some plural words like “birds” or “toys.”
  • Uses –ing verbs like “eating” or “running.” Adds –ed for regular past tense, like “looked” or “played.”
  • Gives reasons for things and events, like saying that they need a coat when it’s cold outside.
  • Asks why and how.
  • Answers questions like “What do you do when you are sleepy?” or “Which one can you wear?”
  • Correctly produces p, b, m, h, w, d, and n in words.
  • Correctly produces most vowels in words.
  • Speech is becoming clearer but may not be understandable to unfamiliar listeners.

3 to 4 Years

  • Compares things, with words like “bigger” or “shorter.”
  • Tells you a story from a book or a video.
  • Understands and uses more location words, like “inside,” “on,” and “under.”
  • Uses words like “a” or “the” when talking, like “a book” or “the dog.”
  • Pretends to read alone or with others.
  • Recognizes signs and logos like STOP.
  • Pretends to write or spell and can write some letters.
  • Correctly produces t, k, g, f, y, and –ing in words.
  • Says all the syllables in a word.
  • Says the sounds at the beginning, middle, and end of words.
  • Talks smoothly. Does not repeat sounds, words, or phrases most of the time.
  • Speaks so that people can understand most of what they say.
  • May make mistakes on sounds that are later to develop—like l, j, r, sh, ch, s, v, z, and th.
  • Says all sounds in a consonant cluster containing two or more consonants in a row—like the tw in tweet or the –nd in sand. May not produce all sounds correctly—for example, spway for “spray.”

4 to 5 Years

  • Produces grammatically correct sentences. that include main characters, settings, and words like “and” to connect information and ideas to tell stories.
  • Uses at least one irregular plural form, like “feet” or “men.”
  • Understands and uses location words, like “behind,” “beside,” and “between.”
  • Use more words for time—like “yesterday” and “tomorrow”—correctly.
  • Follows simple directions and rules to play games.
  • Locates the front of a book and its title.
  • Recognizes and names 10 or more letters and can usually write their own name.
  • Imitates reading and writing from left to right.
  • Blends word parts, like cup + cake = cupcake. Identifies some rhyming words, like “cat” and “hat.”
  • Produces most consonants correctly, and speech is understandable in conversation.

Data from 2023 ASHA guidelines and norms CURIOUS ABOUT OTHER AGE RANGES?
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